WGT 2023 Leipzig
1. Day (Friday) Last year it was much easier to get to Leipzig on the Whitsun weekend. Corona played a larger role and was noticeable on the highways. Nevertheless, well
a Goth Couple on Tour
1. Day (Friday) Last year it was much easier to get to Leipzig on the Whitsun weekend. Corona played a larger role and was noticeable on the highways. Nevertheless, well
This year it will be a little less with festivals. We are really looking forward to the WGT in Leipzig. The family goes before even we would like to participate
Day 1 (Friday) at the Hexentanz Festival (Walpurgisschlacht) at Eventwerk Saar. Fierce strenuous ride in the “FridayBeforeWeekendTraffic” Nasty weather but in time when arriving no more rain but mud Right